Comments: Linking Fool Friday

CCC "Revolved" is gooooood shit. Very imaginative, and very well-mixed. I'm especially fond of "Eleanor Ciccone" (main vocals from Madonna "Ray of Light", instrumentals and background vocals from "Eleanor Rigby"; makes the former tune seem strikingly melancholy) and "Got to Get You into the Mood" ("Got to Get You into My Life" + Glenn Miller Band "In the Mood").

Posted by Jeem at May 6, 2005 12:41 PM

Re: the softball game. Did you ever hear the This American Life story about "fiasco?" At some score a tipping point is reached and after that it's no longer about "oh, those poor losers," it becomes a question of "just how badly can these players be wupped?"

I think that's why the coach kept running up the score.

I wish I had been there. Sigh.

Posted by Doug at May 9, 2005 01:57 PM