Comments: Damn you, Katrina

It isn't the fault of the people who live in New Orleans that they're stuck in this incredible mess. It's the fault of local, state and federal political leaders - and both parties are to blame.

Thirty-nine percent of the population lives below the poverty level. Where were they going to go once they left New Orleans and how were they going to afford to stay there? There was no real evacuation plan in place. No transportation. These people truly were thrown to the wolves.

The Mississippi River flood of 1927 should have been the handwriting on the wall. Instead of gradually relocating the residential population out of New Orleans, to a new city on high ground, the politicians allowed more building of homes in areas that are at sea level or below. They sold those people down there the false promise that the levee system would always protect them. In the end, the people are the ones who suffer for bad political decisions. In this case, many people will suffer for the rest of their lives. It's sinful.

Maybe we in this country have to decide whether or not we can afford to be the world's police force, such as in Iraq. We're spending too much money, that we taxpayers don't have, and losing too many lives. You can't have both "guns and butter." You can't fight foreign wars and also have the money to provide essential services to the people at home. Therefore, you defer such things as repairs and upgrades to the levees in New Orleans. Now we're seeing the consequences of questionable political strategy.

The best to the all on the Gulf,

Jim H.

Posted by Jim H. at September 2, 2005 08:15 AM